DeWitt Middle School News
January 10, 2025
Principal: Keith Cravotta
School Address: 2957 W. Herbison Rd., DeWitt, MI 48820
Office Phone Number: 517-668-3200
Attendance Phone Number: 517-668-3247
Warning Bell: 7:35 a.m.
Start of 1st period: 7:40 a.m.
Students may enter the building at 7:30 a.m.
Dismissal Time: 2:30 p.m. (Half Day dismissal is 10:52 a.m.)
Upcoming dates:
January 7th - 17th - NWEA Winter Testing Window
January 14th - Second Trimester conferences
January 20th - MLK Jr. Day (No School)
A Message from Dr. Cravotta
Hello Middle School parent(s) and/or guardian(s)!
It has been great to see our students again this week and reconnect after our 2-week break! We started our NWEA testing this week and all of our grade levels will be administering these tests in ELA and Math classes over the next two weeks. We will send home reports with information on growth from Fall to Winter shortly after the testing window is completed. Next week, we will also hold our second trimester conferences. Please see the sign-up information sent in a separate e-mail. As we transition back into the school routine we will be review school and classroom expectations with students. We also will be focusing on the theme of Being Responsible for our Student of the Month program for January. As I remind our students when they are coming in from the cold weather in the morning, we promise to provide heat and opportunities to learn every day!
Happy New Year!
Keith L. Cravotta, Ed.D.
Half Days
Below are the date for half days for the 2024-2025 school year. On half days, the Middle School will dismiss students at 10:52 a.m.
February 14th - Half day for CLT
February 28th - Half day for end of 2nd trimester
March 19th - Half day for CLT
March 27th - Half day for Spring Break
May 14th - Half day for CLT
June 6th - Half day for the last day of school
Entry and Dismissal Procedures
Please use the loop on the East side of the building or on the South side of the building. Please DO NOT drop students off in parking lots.
The entrance to the cafeteria nearest to the kitchen will be open at 7:15 for students who are eating breakfast. Students who are not getting a breakfast may not enter the cafeteria.
Students will wait outside near their grade-level doors until 7:30 a.m. unless they are entering the cafeteria for breakfast.
Please obey all traffic laws and signs. Being patient and cautious is critical to everyone's safety during drop-off and pick-up!
Assistance Programs
The Old Newsboys Association helps our community by providing school-age children with either shoes or boots. If your child needs new shoes or boots and the purchase of them would be a financial burden, please fill out this form indicating your interest in this program and we will reach out for additional enrollment information. Once the sign-up process is complete, Old Newsboys Association will send you a voucher for either shoes or boots. You may include all school age children on one family request, even if they attend different schools. Please do not send in duplicate requests if you included your child on another form. (If you are unable to fill out the digital form, please contact us for further assistance.)
The Weekend Survival Kit Backpack Program will continue to be provided at Dewitt Middle School this year. Weekend Survival Kits contain a little over two days’ worth of food. Typical food items include mac & cheese, granola bars, canned vegetables, peanut butter, crackers, oatmeal, soup, and SpaghettiOs / Ravioli. There is no cost to you to participate in this program. There are NO eligibility requirements to participate in this program this year. All students/families can access this program if they would like to! To enroll in this program, please fill out this form indicating your interest. Typically, food kits would be sent home from school with your student on Fridays.
If you have any questions regarding the programs above or are in need of any other resources for assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Hunt or Mrs. Nash.
Mrs. Kim Hunt
DMS School Counselor (Last names A-L)
Mrs. Abby Nash
MS School Counselor (Last Names M-Z)